Monday, May 31, 2010

Incompetent Cervix

Causes and symptoms of incompetent cervix
As we have seen, incompetent cervix occurs when the entrance to the uterus begins to expand before the pregnancy has reached term, which can lead to an abortion.
Unfortunately, not always an incompetent cervix is diagnosed in time, but occasionally it is possible to act. In any case, an incompetent cervix may be due to several reasons:

* A weakening of the cervix of genetic cause.
* A hyperextension or severe lacerations of the cervix during one or more previous deliveries.
* A cone biopsy for cervical cancer.
* A woman's exposure to diethylstilbestrol (DES), a synthetic estrogen that is no longer used in pregnant women, while in the womb of his mother (before they knew the dangers of DES, it took many women in state).
* Major surgery or laser therapy on the cervix.
* Hormonal changes during pregnancy.
* Being a carrier of more than one fetus also can produce a incompetent cervix, although in this case is not usually repeated in subsequent pregnancies not multiple.
With regard to symptoms, often feel no sign of incompetent cervix and the cervix thins and expands slowly by itself, without any vaginal bleeding or contractions of labor.
However, there could be any of these symptoms, although none by itself is an unmistakable sign of this problem may be due to other reasons. Therefore, if we feel some of the points listed below, a specialist should be sought to evaluate our case and make the correct diagnosis:

* Back pain.
* Discomfort or pressure in the lower abdomen.
* Spill or warm liquid dripping from the vagina.
* Vaginal discharge that looks like mucus.
* Pain when urinating.
* Feeling of something bulging into the vagina.

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